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Rosan Cosmetic Soap 7000 Rupiah
Tara Nature (Sabun Rosan) Cosmetic Soap Pengganti salep/lotion pelembab kulit yang biasa anda beli di apotek yang paling tepat ialah sa...
Tara Nature (Sabun Rosan) Cosmetic Soap
Pengganti salep/lotion pelembab kulit yang biasa anda beli di apotek yang paling tepat ialah sabun rosan, dibuat dari bahan herbal alami minyak zaitun (olive oil) serta kandungan lainya squalene oil yang berkhasiat tinggi untuk merawat, memutihkan, dan mengatasi kulit kasar/bersisik. Dengan wangi harum mawar atau kembang rose khas yang menyegarkan dan membawa efek relaksasi pada tubuh, karena aroma wanginya yang menyejukan akan terhirup dan membawa peka rangsangan ke otak sehingga merelaksasikan pikiran dan tubuh penggunanya.
Tak hanya sampai disitu keistimewaan serta kehebatan sabun rosan, harganya yang murah, ekonomis dan terjangkau oleh semua kalangan masyarakat yaitu Rp 7000/pcs dengan pembelian 12 pcs (satu lusin) membuat para konsumenya bisa menjadi resseler atau menjualnya kembali pada kerabat, teman, keluarga dan orang orang disekitar Anda, jika agan/sista pernah menggunakanya akan lebih mudah dalam melapalkan review sabun kecantikan kulit ini, atau bisa juga lihat testimoni yang beredar di blog kecantikan yang membahas rosan cosmetic soap.
Manfaat Kandungan Sabun Rosan Untuk Kulit
Mengapa sabun rosan aman untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk kondisi kulit yang sensitif??? Hal itu dikarenakan kandungan squalene oil. Minyak jenis ini bekerja secara optimal dengan perananya yang sangat penting terhadap kulit sensitif yang bertugas sebagai oil control, anti peradangan sekaligus anti iritasi, berikut ini manfaat kandungan squalene oil pada sabun harum keluarga rosan :
- - berperan aktif menghidrasi kulit
mengatasi kulit kering, kelembaban kulit akan terus terjaga - - sebagai pelindung atau benteng utama dalam melindungi kulit dari efek buruk sinar UV baik itu UVA/UVB, setiap kali anda mandi dan membersihkan kulit dengan melakukan mandi dengan sabun rosan maka akan mengurangi pigmentasi pada kulit. Oleh karenanya kecerahan dan warna kulit anda akan terjaga secara alami.
- - sebagai anti aging
tak jauh berbeda dengan bahan komposisi lainya yaitu minyak zaitun, kandungan ini memiliki tugas yang amat krusial yaitu mengatasi kulit kering, mengatasi keriput dan berbagai tanda penuaan pada kulit, sehingga dengan rutinitas dan pemakaian yang berkala akan membuat kulit tetap terlihat awet muda - Oil Control
sabun rosan bermanfaat mengendalikan kadar minyak berlebih pada kulit penggunanya - memperbaiki sel-sel kulit yang rusak/mati juga merupakan khasiat dari sabun kecantikan kulit alami ini.
Kandungan yang kedua dari sabun rosan adalah Olive Oil (minyak zaitun)
Minyak zaitun sudah banyak yang membahas mengenai khasiat dari minyak zaitun, dalam hal ini kandungan Vitamin A,C,D,E dan K serta kandungan omega 9 atau asam linoleat, salah satu bahan herbal yang sangat khas juga sudah banyak yang tahu tentang keampuhanya untuk merawat kulit agar tetap kinclong alias putih merona, dilansir dari berbagai sumber ternyata minyak zaitun sudah banyak digunakan sejak era kerajaan, biasa dipakai permaisuri dan para selir untuk merawat kulit mereka agar tetap tampil cantik didepan khalayak umum, langsung saja berikut ini khasiat manfaat kandungan minyak zaitun pada rosan cosmetic soap (taranatureproduct) :
- menutrisi kulit dari luar, mengandung pelembab alami yang sangat tinggi
- sebagai anti peradangan
- melembutkan kulit
Pemesanan sabun rosan hubungi :
Whatsapp : 0853 2027 4788
Rosan Sabun Mandi untuk memperbaiki dan mempertahan kondisi kulit agar tetap sehat ini dijual ecer dengan harga Rp 7000/batang namun jika membelinya perdus harganya lebih murah lagi yaitu Rp 80.000/12 pcs. Tinggal kita hitung saja 80 dibagi 12 = sekitar 6500 rupiah.
Jika agan/sista berminat menjadi agen/resseler kamilah solusinya, untuk produr dan cara pemesanan bisa langsung chat saja admin.
Apakah sabun rosan aman??
Adakah efek samping dari penggunaan sabun rosan dalam skala yang panjang??
Adakah efek samping dari penggunaan sabun rosan dalam skala yang panjang??
Berikut ini jawabanya ....!!!
Agan tak perlu khawatir atau ragu dengan produk taranature ini, Rosan Cosmeti Soap atau sabun rosan seudah teruji secara klinis dan terdaftar di BPOM, nomor reg POM CA 18120500417.
Efek samping sabun rosan dengan penggunaan dalam skala panjang, tak ada efek samping buruk sabun mandi keluarga ini, sabun sehat ini akan membuat Anda selalu tampil cantik dengan kekencangan dan kekenyalan kulit yang terjaga, kapalan pada tangan da telapak kaki akan hilang, kulit kasar akan kembali halus dan selalu tetap lembab.
Efek samping sabun rosan dengan penggunaan dalam skala panjang, tak ada efek samping buruk sabun mandi keluarga ini, sabun sehat ini akan membuat Anda selalu tampil cantik dengan kekencangan dan kekenyalan kulit yang terjaga, kapalan pada tangan da telapak kaki akan hilang, kulit kasar akan kembali halus dan selalu tetap lembab.
Blog damarlantera back to review the benefits of herbal plants typical of Indonesia is a cat whiskers plant, or that have another name orthosiphon aristatus, well this plant is one medicinal plant that has high efficacy and is a multi-benefit plant for the treatment of various diseases. Diseases that can be treated with plants cat whiskers are as follows:
- 1. Leaves cat whiskers to treat inflammation of the kidney
- 2. Leaves cat's whiskers as a natural rheumatic remedy
- 3. Whisker cat for natural treatment of gout
- 4. Leaves cat whiskers to treat bladder stones
- 5. Leaves cat whiskers for natural treatment of diabetes
- 6. Whisker cat for natural remedy for syphilis
- 7. Leaves cat whiskers to treat hypertension
- 8. Whisker cat for allergic itchy medication
- 9. Natural constipation drugs
- 10. The benefits of cats whiskers plant to treat back pain
- 11. Leaves cat whiskers to treat albuminuria naturally
- 12. Leaves cat whiskers as a natural whitish remedy
- 13. Leaves cat whiskers to treat cough
- 14. Cat whiskerst to overcome the problem of colds
- 15. Benefits of cat's whiskers leaves to launch urinary expenditure
What makes a cat whiskers plant so useful and useful in treating various diseases ?? at a glance there must be such a question in your mind, and I already know it. The benefits of cat whiskers in overcoming various diseases can not be separated from the efficacy of the content of the cat's whiskers. Cat whiskers contain chemical substances such as essential oils, sinensetin, tannins, saponins, and potassium which are claimed as natural healers of various types of diseases.
This plant has a variety of names or names such as java tea (English), has a giri-giri marah name if on the island of sumatra, if in central Java the name is remujung, this herb is also known as kidney plant, I think it can not be separated from the efficacy and benefits of cats whiskers as a natural remedy for kidney disease . If in madura this name is very unique once the songot koneng, cat whiskers or orthosiphone cats originated from Africa itself but spread to australia and Indonesia, herbal plants useful as medicine various diseases found in many places in Indonesia, because many planted on the ground as an ornamental plant, parks and forests are not hard to find.
This plant itself includes family Lamiaceae / Labiatae. cat whiskers which in fact as this medicinal plant has characteristic traits that are easy to recognize, this plant grows upright and has a wet stalk with a purplish color and white flowering, the shape is also exactly how the whiskers in the cat, I think you will easily multiply if you find it in the forest or anywhere, because of its unique shape like a cat's whiskers, then the name that many call or known by the public that is cat's whiskers
How to make a natural herbal ingredients from cat whiskers to treat various diseases :
The benefits of cat's whiskers for the treatment of urinary stones
Kidney stones or urinary stones are hard masses just like rocks, and the presence is right on the urinary tract. The disease is usually obstruction, metaplasia, and the presence of abdominal pain, the genital area, can also be on the ribs and surrounding areas. If this happens then there will be pain, bleeding, urinary blockage, or infection.
The symptoms of this disease are :
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bleeding in the urine
- Fever and chills
- The onset of severe pain that disappears in the area between the ribs and the lumbar bone, which extends to the abdomen, the pubic area and inner thighs.
- Abdomen bulging
The main prevention of kidney stones or bladder stones:
get into the habit of drinking plenty of water, just need the body for water, stay away from the supplement drink, for you coffee lovers, should drink lots of lots of water.
How treatment
- how to make a traditional herb cat whiskers to treat kidney stones:
- provide 90 grams of fresh cat whiskers, wash thoroughly
- provide 1 cup water
- then boil the cat's whiskers with water until the water is only ½ cup.
- Drink the concoction 3 times a day.
How to make a herbal concoction of a cat whiskers plant to treat gout
Disease caused by excessive consumption of purine substances, and the kidneys are unable to remove the purine substance from the body, causing excessive uric acid in our bodies so uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. so it seems like a brief explanation that led to the disease of uric acid causing pain in the joints like joints of toes, joints, knees, elbows, wrists, and heels, sometimes swelling, inflammation, reddish in the joints, and easy to see symptoms that usually happen when we wake up, especially early in the morning
Traditional way of treating gout with a cat's whiskers is as follows :
- Take 4 to 5 sheets of cat whiskers and freshly grown leaves
- 1 cup water
- Boil all the ingredients until water is only ½ cup.
- Drink the concoction at least 3 times a day.
Leaves cat whiskers to treat rheumatism
Such as gout, rheumatism also attacks the joints, and rheumatism also attacks muscles, and tendons. Rheumatic disease is not known for certain, but rheumatism is allegedly caused by several factors, such as genetic factors, due to hormonal changes, and other causes is due to infection caused by the virus
Rheumatic treatment with cat whiskers aims to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, and maintain the function of the joints in order to remain in good and normal state.
Then what is the symptom of rheumatic disease ??
there are some symptoms that are easily recognizable to rheumatism such as muscles become weak, joints feel stiff, the sound of the joints when moved, the joint feels shaky, the presence of nodules or lumps, pain in the limbs, but it can also occur seizures and contractions in muscles , changes in body shape, and of course disruption of joint function
Traditional medicine for reducing muscle pain due to rheumatism:
provide 5 pieces of cat's whiskers
add a few leaves meniran
wash thoroughly
boiled with 3 glasses of water (200cc x 3 = 600cc)
drink potions of cat whiskers three times a day (once drink ½ half glass)
Leaves cat whiskers to treat hypertension naturally
As for how to treat hypertension, are :
- Boil 50 gr leaves of dry cat whiskers with enough water.
- Poured 50 gr leaves of wet cat's whiskers with hot water
- Mix the two herbs, then drink a glass of 1 cup a day.
What is hypertension or high blood pressure? it means the blood fluid in the body is very strong pressing the arteries and the more blood is pumped into the heart and the arteries narrow so that blood pressure will increase.
Symptoms of Hypertension :
- Headache / dizziness
- There was a nosebleed
- The face becomes reddish
- Feeling tired
Prevention of hypertension (high blood) :
- Expand the consumption of vegetables and fruits
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Regular exercise
- Reduce consumption of foods containing salt
- Avoid stress
Treating constipation naturally with cat's whiskers
What is constipation? yups .. constipation is a disease of indigestion, the difficulty of bowel movements caused by the hardening of the stool.
There are some symptoms of constipation, among others :
- The stomach feels heavy
- Appetite disappears
- Difficult and painful when defecating
- Vertigo
- Cramps in the abdominal muscles
- Frequent gas or fart
- Nausea
The cause of constipation, among others, is due to lack of fibrous foods, can be caused by the habit of taking laxatives, poor diet, hormonal changes, irregular bowel movements.
To overcome constipation with the cat's whiskers are as follows, The first is to boil a few leaves of cat's whiskers with a glass of water, let it to boiling, and after a cold drink boiled water leaves the cat's whiskers.
To help overcome constipation can follow the tips below:
- Expand to eat fruit
- Regular exercise
- A lot of fibrous food consumption
- Drink plenty of water
Treat itching due to allergies with cat whiskers
To overcome the allergic itching with cat's whiskers is as follows:
Prepare each ½ handful of cat's whiskers leaves, soto leaves and leaves meniran.
2 fingers temulawak
4 glasses of water
Way of processing: All the ingredients boiled until the remaining 2 cups only, then drink the concoction 2 times a day each 1 cup.
Leaf cat whiskers as a natural remedy albuminuria
Albuminuria disease is one type of illness characterized by albumin in the urine. Diseases caused by damage to the kidney filters such as nephritis, urinary tract infections and at high fever may also result in this disease also caused by nephrotic syndrome, other causes of albuminuria are hypertension and heart failure, including heavy exercise,
The treatment of this disease is by treating the underlying disease or the cause of albiminuria. for example, albuminuria disease caused by hypertension, then to treat is to lower blood pressure.
nah to lower high blood pressure or hypertension can be done with natural treatment with cat whiskers, and it has been discussed earlier.
Handful of cat whiskers can overcome leucorrhoea / flour albus
Whitish or flour albus is one of the problems that is common to women, the cause of fluor albus is due to the presence of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Whitish disease is divided into 2 types, namely :
- Pathological vaginal discharge, this disorder occurs due to infection, usually accompanied by itching in the vagina and the area around the vagina outside.
- Physiological discharge, this disorder occurs before or after menstruation. Or it could be in the fertile period of a woman. This happens every month.
How to treat leucorrhoea with the leaves of a cat's whiskers :
- 1 handful of fleabane marsh leaves
- 1 handful of cat's whiskers
- 1 teaspoon of black cumin
- 10 cubes seeds
- Enough water
How to make it :
first wash the leaves of cat's whiskers, fleabane marsh leaves, unite and boil all ingredients until boiling, then drink the concoction at least 2 times a day.
How to treat cough with leaf material cat whiskers
Coughing is one of the most common diseases and almost everyone has experienced it, especially when weather changes from the rainy season to the dry season and vice versa. The cause of cough is due to dust, allergies, germs as well as something that stimulates the mucous membranes, sometimes cough accompanied by fever, and is characterized by itching in the throat
Based on the symptoms of cough is divided into several types
- cough with phlegm
- dry cough
- cough asthma
- bronchitis
- whooping cough
Lots of drugs to cure diseases of cough, both drugs sold dipasara. In addition, many natural remedies are able to treat cough effectively and quickly one example is the leaves of this cat whiskers, there are also betel leaf and other natural herbal ingredients.
The traditional way to treat a cough with the natural ingredients of cat's whiskers :
- provide 15-20 g of fresh cat whiskers
- wash the leaves of cat's whiskers or orthosiphon aristatus until clean
- provide one glass of water (200 -300cc)
- boiled until boiling
- drink 3 times a day, each as much as one glass
Many benefits and benefits of plants and leaves of cat whiskers, there are still many reviews about the benefits of this herb that we have not described in this blog, maybe next time we will write on this blog. Various processing of leaf cat's whiskers such as herbal medicine, made into tea, processed water from cat whiskers and others. For this article we must first get here, next time we will continue to complete it, thank you for visiting, hopefully useful article.
sandi maulana
June 02, 2018
New Google SEO
Bandung, Indonesia
It is common knowledge that betel leaf is a very efficacious herb and much sought after in the world of medicine and beauty. All that can not be separated from the efficacy of the content of the betel leaf and the benefits are so complete.
Betel is one of the most nutritious herbs ever known by humans, the plant has saponins, tannins, eugenol and various essential oils. In Indonesia, betel leaves are not only used for medicine, betel leaves are also used for traditional ceremonies in welcoming guests, or celebrations, and many other traditional ceremonies that use this plant.
Back to the main problem about betel leaf as a traditional medicine, the question "why betel leaf is very famous in the world of medicine? it is a very easy question to answer, "it is because of the nature of this plant, betel leaf is known for its anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, and cooling properties, not limited to the surface of the body. So not only as an external medicine, betel leaves can also be consumed either by eaten, or boiled and the benefits will be felt by the organs of the body.
Scientific classification :
Binomial name : Piper betle
Order : Piperales
Genus : Piper
Family : Piperaceae
Kingdom : Plantae
(not included) Magnoliidae
Species : P. betle
We should be grateful to the universe, it is because the universe has given what we need, one example is this betel leaf. Plants are very easy to find, but have amazing magical benefits to keep our health. How do we thank? many ways, call it by taking care of and preserving nature, cultivating this plant, and there are many other ways to show we care about this life.
Betel leaf is widely used for various disease treatments, and used for natural beauty treatments. Consider the following benefits of the betel leaf and how it is processed :
benefits of betel leaf for whitish
common problems that occur among women this can be overcome with betel leaf, as evidenced by the number of special products to overcome the whitish problem made from betel leaf. the way is by boiling the betel leaf, the first we drink water boiled betel leaves, then reserve also to wash the intimate area
To treat swollen teeth and gums naturally
to treat toothache or swollen gums with betel leaf is very easy, the way is by gargling with boiled water (for this part is more effective by using the type of green betel)
Treat sore throat
Symptoms experienced by inflammation are the incidence of discomfort in the throat, especially when swallowing food. This inflammatory problem can also be treated by boiling 4 to 5 pieces of betel leaves using 2 glasses of water. Boil until boiling and only one glass left. note: drink this one herbal medicine as much as 2 times a day.
Curing the Cough
Treating cough with natural ingredients betel leaf, this way has been inherited from antiquity, and now in the town there are still many who use this way as a natural cough medicine. To take advantage of betel leaf as a cough medicine you simply boil 5 pieces of betel leaf with 300 ml of water. Consumption of this one herbal medicine twice a day for the cough that you suffer can recover quickly.
Betel leaf to increase body metabolism
well, other betel leaf benefits that can increase the body's metabolism. This triggers circulation and stimulates the intestines to absorb important minerals and also nutrients. Dirt in the intestine will be removed easily through better sphincter performance. Better sphincter performance is also the result of stimulation caused by betel leaf. The role of antioxidants contained in betel leaf is to restore PH levels caused due to abdominal pain, so it can relieve constipation.
Benefits of betel leaf to stop nose bleeding
Only with 1 piece of betel leaf, treated nosebleeds. the way pengobatanya betel leaf rolled while pressed-press a little to get the oil out. How to use: used to clog a bloody nose.
Benefits of betel leaf to overcome acne and other skin problems
Many do not know if betel leaves have tremendous benefits in treating acne, black spots and treatment of other skin diseases. content of antimicrobial properties that exist in betel leaf that plays an important role in the fight against allergies, itching, ulceration of the skin even to body odor.
Treatment of peptic ulcers
how: Chew 1-2 pieces of red betel leaf, kulum for 10 minutes, then discarded. Perform at least 2 times a day. Red betel leaf and vitamin C content and anti-septic substances are able to fight germs that cause peptic ulcers.
Betel leaf as a natural medicine for diabetes
it is also one of the wonders of betel leaf, which contains anti-diabetic content such as folic acid, beta carotene, lutein, vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. By extracting the betel leaves can lower blood sugar levels naturally and effectively
Betel leaf for natural medicine high blood pressure
how to make: boiled betel leaves (this time used is a type of red betel), and mix with honey, drink 2 times a day. Why betel leaves can stabilize high blood pressure, it is because the content of essential oils and phenols in the leaves of betel
Cures Asthma
Other good news brought by betel leaves is able to cure asthma. Betel leaf is one of the excellent herbal remedies to cure and treat asthma.
To get the benefits of betel leaf this one you simply boil 4 to 5 pieces of betel leaf with 2 glasses of water. Boil until only one glass is left. after that, drinking water betel leaf boil this routine 2 to 3 glasses in a day.
Betel leaf to help speed up the process of healing burns naturally
There are many causes of skin burns, for example because of excessive exposure to the effects of sunlight, inmi commonly occurs in climbers or living in mountain areas, exposed to hot oil, exposed to motor exhaust, or exposed to iron and others.
To speed up the healing process, preventing infection and dampening the pain can make a natural remedy from betel leaves. That's all because the betel leaf has antiseptic content such as polyphenols and chavicols that are able to fight germs that cause pain. I think you already know, if some beauty soap containing antiseptic bahanya comes from where, yes that's right, almost most of the soap material comes from betel leaf.
There will be no end if we talk about the extraordinary benefits of betel leaf, for example by just chewing betel leaves, it can clean the mouth. This can prevent tooth decay, strengthen the gums and teeth, and prevent oral bleeding. Betel leaf can help refresh breath, protect from germs, bacteria, and other mouth disorders, Smooth urine, treat dengue, reduce body odor, natural uric acid remedy, Back pain medication, lumbago, muscle pain, can be treated by massaging the lower back with betel leaf oil combined
Betel is a native plant of Indonesia, and the most widely used is the leaves, the way of processing and the utilization is very diverse, but now already many health and beauty products that use betel leaf as the main ingredient.
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Here is the secret of betel leaf and its benefits for health and beauty
Posted by Damar Lantera on Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Pandan Leaf, Natural Remedy to Reduce Stress

stress levels in different people different, this is because that causes stress of different people also the pressure. For example, stress caused by work stress, stress due to school exams, stress on a girlfriend and many other stressful causes, which is actually trivial but difficult to calm down and relax.
Then is there a simple thing we can do to reduce stress?
which makes the body and mind relax?
make your soul calm?
The answer "of course" you must have made a drink is not it? yups ,, i will tell you about herbal drink recipes are effective and powerful to relieve stress and make you relax.
First Recipe
Benefits of Pandan Leaves To Relieve Stress
In addition to having a fragrant aroma, pandan leaves can be used as a herbal remedy to relieve stress, this leaf has a relaxation properties that can make the mind become calm, tannin substances in pandan leaves that have an important role in reducing stress and cause peace in mind.
What are the side effects of pandan leaves?
Drinks from pandan leaves have good side effects for health, besides being used for food perisa, it turns out pandanus leaves have other benefits and benefits, and not many people know about this. They prefer treatment of stress treatment with drugs that cause side effects if consumed continuously and prolonged.
the benefits of a fragrant pandanus herbal beverage :
- refreshing the body
- weakening nervous nerves
- make the mind calm
- pandan leaf drink is also very suitable for high blood pressure, due to one cause of high blood disease is the mind that makes a person experiencing severe stress, by drinking traditional herbal rhinese leaves boiled pandanus 2 times a day can mengabatu lower high blood pressure.
- eliminating anxiety, worry and anxiety
- overcome the job-induced depression, because the busy office or work that became the fruit of thought that makes the mind uncomfortable.
- for those of you who are upset this drink is also suitable, this drink makes people become calm in thinking because the nature of the scent and content of the pandan leaves can be soothing, to be used as an aroma therapy for people who have trouble sleeping difficulties (insomnia).
- drink drinks from pandanus during morning and evening 2 times a day, to nourish the body and overcome the stress / light weight.
How to make stress busting drink from pandan leaves ??
first, give 5-10 pandan leaves
then wash thoroughly
then boiled pandan leaves with 8 glasses of water
use a skillet of marble or melamine, or if you have a frying pan made of better clay. It is important not to use frying pan made of aluminum or iron directly.
pandan leaves boiled 8 cups to 4 cups.
after ripe and become 4 glasses, just enter enough sugar, according to your taste
until this process you have been able to get a distinctive and refreshing scent that can make the mind refreshed as reborn, due to the tannin relaxation effect on the pandan leaves.
drinking when warm or cold is the same, up to you.
The advantages of this herbal drink is "fast, easy and without side effects"
Pandan is easy to find and usually grow the home page, in addition to how to drink pandan leaves can also be used as aroma therapy, in exactly the same way as above, only after cooked boiled and ditarus digelas or container like bowl You just need to save the room, perfumes removed from pandanus useful for relaxation, can also be used as an additional medium for melukan meditation to calm the mind.
The content contained in pandan leaves are as follows :
- tannins
- pigment
- saponins
- flavonoids
- alkaloids
To help reduce high levels of stress, can be helped by doing the process of meditation. Perhaps you are wondering why this is highly recommended ,,?
to help speed up the relaxation process of the body and mind, it will help calm the mind, relieve anxiety, overcome excessive anxiety. Meditation has been around since time immemorial, and it is a legacy of science that is very useful for mental health, a lot of information on various websites and blogs that have reviewed the benefits of meditation, and I'm sure you've read one of them.
How to meditate with the help of boiled water pandan leaves perfume:
- first save the boiled water earlier into the glass / container
- put in the room or place that you will use for meditation
- if in the room, you can turn off the lights to make it easier for you to concentrate and concentrate your mind.
- one more, in order to more easily concentrate your mind and increase concentration you can add one more component that is a candle flame. What is the function of the flame of a candle in meditation? the benefit of returning to the philosophy of fire, yups fire is the symbol of life, we can eat by fire, we can drink because fire we need something because of the philosophy of fire in us, then how to control the fire within us, you can translate your own symbol of the flame.
- please sit cross-legged, do this 10-15 minutes each time you meditate, can before activity or may also be done after doing activities like night before bed.
- assisted by deep breathing and deep breathing / long.
- do it regularly every day or every week, it's up to you, want 2 times a day or a week 2 times.
So many discussions for this time, hopefully with this article can tell information about stress and how to handle as well as heal it. Thank you ,, good regards and peace...!!
20 Benefits of Leaf Flower Leaves

The value of flowers and hibiscus plants (wera flower, other names in Indonesia) the higher it is none other than because the benefits are intended for treatment and has been used by generations in various parts of the world.
From the results of reading in various sources, it turns out hibiscus has a variety of benefits to cure various types of diseases, including:
- treat bronchitis
- treat an abscess
- reduce the fever (hibiscus leaves are antipyretic so it is very efficacious in lowering the heat)
- overcome constipation
- cure tbc
- natural detox
- hibiscus leaves to treat the cough naturally (dry or phlegm)
- lowering high blood pressure
- lower bad cholesterol, so it is very good for hypertension patients
- as a natural canker syringe
- digestion
- is analgesic that means capable of relieving headaches (dizziness)
- launched the urinary tract, because the hibiscus leaves have diuretic properties
- accelerate wound drying, and prevent infection
Benefits of hibiscus leaves for skin and hair beauty:
- strengthen and prevent hair loss
- keep black hair color, slow gray hair
- get rid of acne
- hibiscus leaves to accelerate weight loss
- helps lift dead skin cells, and regenerates damaged skin cells
- clean the face
Why hibiscus and its leaves are very useful for the cure of disease, skin care and hair health? It can not be separated from the content of the content in it, the content of the leaves and hibiscus include :
- Flavonoids
- Cleomiscosin B
- tannins
- Cleomiscosin A
- Calcium oxalate
- Peroxidase
- fat
- Taraxeryl acetat
- protein
- saponins
In addition, the shoe flower leaf has a variety of sifatan which include :
- Analgesic, has the ability to cope with headaches
- Anti-pyriteutic, able to reduce fever, especially in children
- Are direutik, efficacious to launch the urinary tract
Hibiscus leaves to treat cough and canker sores
How to treat hibiscus leaves to heal cough and sprue, first take hibiscus leaves to taste 5 - 10 sheets, wash thoroughly, then boil in boiling water for 15 minutes, strain the water then pour on the glass and drink. Healing cough naturally you can get, for the healing process runs fast, do it regularly.
Removing Toxins (natural detox)
By making herbal tea herbs from hibiscus petals, yups on hibiscus have high antioxidants that can help remove toxins from the body naturally. besides tea from hibiscus petals efficacious to reduce cholesterol levels in blood, hibiscus tea product has been sold freely in the market, and spread in various parts of the world.
Fever? cold? rheum?? heal with hibiscus tea ... !!
relieve colds and colds, if family members have cold or fever you can try to make this herbal tea, because the content of Vitamin C in the hibiscus useful to help fight the virus that causes colds.
Hibiscus to maintain healthy skin
Hibiscus and hibiscus blossoms to keep skin healthy, face cleansing, acne treatments, lifting dead skin cells and black spots of acne scars, have a potent oil ingredient for skin care, and have anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat acne and prevent marks premature aging of the facial skin. The easiest way is, take the shoe petals then knead and rub around the face and neck gently.
Benefits of water boiled hibiscus leaves for the digestion of your body, this efficacy can be obtained by drinking boiled water leaves regularly every day.
Healing boils "properties of hibiscus leaves for the skin that we can use to heal ulcers naturally.The leaves of hibiscus will make active boils, quickly old and ripe, so that ulcers can heal quickly.
For mumps treatment, you know that goitre is caused by lack of iodine. If you have this disease, you can treat it with hibiscus leaves
Lose weight, It is common knowledge almost everyone would want to have a slim and healthy body. Surely the usual problem is a pile of fat and calories the body, yups .. to overcome it you can try to consume tea flower shoes regularly.
There are many more benefits and usefulness of this leaf for health. As for the way of processing shoe leaf as a medicine is as follows.
Outdoor use :
- You can prepare hibiscus leaves to taste,
- clean and mash until smooth.
- After that, Dab on the skin area you want to treat.
- As for how to use this is very suitable for alternative treatment of mumps, wounds, for beauty treatments such as acne treatments, falsifying faces, cleaning black stains acne scars, and others.
For hair :
- provide 10 sheets of hibiscus leaves
- puree leaf shoes
- You can also mix with a little coconut oil.
- Let stand for a moment
- apply and massage evenly on the entire surface of the hair.
Use for consumption :
- You can prepare the hibiscus leaves to taste
- boiled with water. until boiling.
- Consumption of this natural herb is routinely 2x a day, each 1 cup for 1 time consumption.
Research shows that hibiscus plants have many benefits and their content, leaves, roots, flowers from hibiscus rosa sinesis contain tannins, saponins, skopoletin, cleomiscosin A, cleomiscosin C and others.
Ethanolic extract of hibiscus flower is reported to reduce total blood cholesterol and serum triglyceride (20-30%) and increase HDL level up to 12% percent, another benefit is to lower blood sugar levels.
Until here first article about the discussion of efficacy, benefits and content of flowers and hibiscus leaves for traditional medicine, and beauty treatments naturally.
Thank you for taking the time to come and read on this blog.

Benefits of hibiscus leaves for health and hair care
Posted by Damar Lantera on Friday, May 25, 2018
Damar Lentera, Reviewing the problem of herbal treatment with traditional ingredients. Times that will be discussed is the treatment of ulcer disease, ulcers, intestinal ulcers by utilizing the efficacy of cassava essence. It was not difficult to find a herbal remedy that is very efficacious and effective to cure chronic ulcers, bowel ulcers and peptic ulcers. This article is inspired by my personal experience.
Initially I complained of pain in the stomach, when pressed on the stomach is very sick, even to sitpun very difficult. Long story short, along with the increasing pain I feel in my stomach, take me to the hospital, and the result of the first diagnosis is "abdominal colic".
What is colic abdomen ?? which is the term used to describe a very severe pain in the abdomen, and for the cause can be several things, including distensi (tense), inflammation of the hollow organs of the body that have smooth muscle (intestine, gallbladder, kidney, etc.), blockage ( obstruction), etc.
Due to the cause of this abdominal pain can be several things, then the need for x-rays, and the results I was diagnosed with inflammation of the intestine.
Then the doctor asked, before your stomach ill eat what ??
"I drink black coffee, and have not eaten ,, and the night I stayed up till morning, then drank beer
doctor "oh ,, then he wrote the recipe, and heal me.
However, the same resentment I repeat again, namely staying up and irregular eating patterns that eventually made me experience pain in the abdomen again. when relapse my neighbor said, try to treat with "quintessence of cassava", he said must be completely cured and finally I follow what he said, and to this day my inflammatory bowel disease never recur again, I recover completely, this article I dedicate to him.
Here's how to make herbal medicine / traditional medicine to cure peptic ulcers, bowel ulcers, and ulcer disease:
- first, provide cassava 3 - 4 pieces
- remove the skin and wash
- grated cassava, (not in the blender)
- then squeeze the water, and input "quintessence of cassava" into the glass.
- Lastly, drink "quintessence of cassava"
- drink the essence of this cassava 2-3 times a day, to drink the morning before meals.
Sure enough with the juice of cassava grated squeezed with routine mengonsumsinya, in just a few days I healed and until today no relapse again. Because that's the question arises in the mind, what exactly is the content in cassava, and why cassava can cure the disease in my stomach? after recovering and browsing here and there I finally know, cassava is very efficacious and useful in curing diseases such as stomach ulcers and ulcers. no wonder intestinal inflammation and gastric disease heal quickly.
how to taste from cassava juice ??
I am also confused about the taste, if the matter of translating taste, this seems to me, it's tasteless and fluid, but if I add palm sugar to have a sweet when in drinking.
To prevent stomach ulcers, colitis, stomach ulcers and other diseases that occur in the stomach, the first is to maintain a regular diet, and always eat healthy foods, because basically this disease occurs due to poor diet of the patient.
Examples I experienced, first due to stay up, and decreased appetite and the pleasure of coffee or soda consumption, if eating would be better if eating spicy - spicy, indeed in one day does not cause anything, but if you do this continuously and repeat that life cycle, I guarantee you will get sick, this is not swearing, but because it also happens to me.
full review of the benefits, herbs and how to make a herbal soursop leaves
Today many people are looking for products from soursop leaf, soursop leaf use for treatment is made with various processed form, for example soursop leaf extract, soursop leaf tea, pill medicine, even people rarely make it themselves. Actually soursop leaf herbal tea has been widely used for treatment by natural means since ancient times, but after much research is done and the usefulness is known, the content and benefits of soursop leaves are well known, then people began to recognize it as an alternative treatment of high quality for health.Not only soursop leaves that have high efficacy, the roots and trunk of soursop tree also has a very extraordinary benefits, this plant is known as an antidote to malignant cancer. but the simplest and easiest in making it by using the leaves, soursop leaf processing can be made into juice, tea potion, until eaten directly. But you know, any content that makes soursop leaves so phenomenal? refer to the reviews below:
- Annomuricin
- Annomuricin
- Muricapentocin
- Annohexocin
- Vitamin B1
- Linoleic acid
- Anomurine
- Vitamin C
- Acetogenins
- Anonol
- Caclourine
- Annocatacin
- Karbohidrat
- Gentisic acid
- Lruktosa
- Vitamin B2
- Gigantetronin
How to herbal soursop leaves for the treatment and prevention of disease :
- 1. pick the soursop leaves 5 - 10 sheets (choose middle-aged, not young - but not old, choose middle-aged ones), choose fresh ones, I think you know what I mean.
- 2. wash the new soursop leaves in the picking is clean from the dirt
- 3. prepare the pan (do not use the pan made of aluminum or iron directly, then what kind of pan? Well this is important too, use a pan that is covered with marble, melamine or can also use made of clay why is this important? ? next time we will discuss.
- 4. Enter 4 cups of water on the pan, and light the fire, let it boil and reduce the water to a size of about 2 cups. If you want to make for more portion sizes, stay x2 just the size. (ex 5 pieces of leaves, 4 cups> 2 glasses) (can also 10 sheets of soursop leaf >> 8 glasses of water size 200cc >> and should be 4 cups when ripe)
- kinda bitter ?? can add 1 teaspoon of honey, or low-calorie sugar that is suitable for diabetics.
The second way is to make it a herbal tea herb soursop leaves
Still the same as the last, the first is the selection of leaves. Choosing the right leaves becomes the key to success in this herbal treatment (choose fresh leaves, and not too old and not too young) choose the leaves are middle aged.
How to wash soursop leaves - soak leaves on containers containing clean water. Then cleaned again a sheet to ensure that the leaves are clean of dirt, dust, soil and other particles attached to the soursop leaves.
Slicing - for this stage you only need to keep the leaf of the laundry in the basket, no special basket You only need to use a basket with holes in the water to slice down.
Perajangan (cutting soursop leaves into small parts), for the size of chopping should be with a very small size to further accelerate the drying process of soursop leaves.
Drying - the recommended drying method is dried under the sun or for quick use of the oven. Usually using sunlight takes three to five days and during the drying process, the leaves must be turned back every 4 hours. How to dioven only takes 30 minutes with a temperature of 60 degrees. Both of these ways are suggested.
Storage - after the soursop leaves it is dry to save soursop leaf tea in place or clean container such as cans.
How to Serve Soursop Leaf Tea
Make tea from soursop leaves that have been dried easily. Here's how:
- Put two teaspoons of dried soursop leaves into the teapot
- Pour 200 cc of hot water into the teapot
- Close the kettle and let stand for about five minutes
- Pour into the cup and strain the tea leaves
- Please drink when feeling bitter, add one teaspoon of honey
Some benefits of boiled water / soursop leaf tea for natural treatment
- to lower high blood naturally
- lower cholesterol
- to prevent and additional treatment in curing tumors and cancer
- to treat ulcer disease
- as a natural diabetes remedy
- to relieve back pain
- to mebobati uric acid naturally
- to help treat cyst diseases
- to help proeses treatment of myoma disease
- widen and spread blood circulation
- as a viral and bacterial inhibitor
- controls fungal and bacterial infections of the intestine
Soursop decoction water to lower bad cholesterol !!
As I mentioned earlier, soursop leaf tea or soursop decoction water is very effective in lowering cholesterol, and is regarded as having a very fast and efficient reaction. What makes it so effective in treating cholesterol is the high antioxidant content of soursop leaves.
Treat ulcer disease naturally with soursop leaf tea
Still struggling on the benefits of soursop leaves, this time we will let you know the benefits of soursop leaves to treat stomach ulcers or gastric inflammation. Initially the disease is considered trivial and the cause is also because of the trivial, but who would have thought to make patients sufferers feel pain, gastritis caused by poor diet so that the result of infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
Then how soursop leaves able to treat maag ??
To deal with ulcer disease in order not to cause serious health effects it would be better if immediate treatment.
Soursop leaves have anti-inflammatory properties (anti-inflammatory) or anti-inflammatory because it has anti-ulceritis compound in it. These compounds that play a role inhibiting the production of stomach acid, and as a natural protector of the stomach wall, another benefit is to kill the bacteria that cause infections in the gastrointestinal tract.
Treatment of high blood with boiled water soursop leaves / soursop leaf tea
Hypertension or high blood is one of the deadly diseases, because with the existence of this disease in the body of a person can generate heart attacks and strokes. Can high blood treated with natural way made from herbs without side effects? answer "CAN" by routinely eating soursop leaf tea.
Soursop juice tea water is highly recommended for people with hypertension or high blood disease, why? yes because of the above content, in soursop leaves contain high antioxidants that are able to neutralize free radicals in the blood.
Treating diabetes naturally by utilizing soursop leaf
Reported from various sources, it turns soursop leaf has a characteristic as a prevention of diabetes, by keeping blood glucose into the range in a more normal direction. As for the content of active ingredients that have a function as a natural healer in soursop leaves is named acetogenic, the benefits of ytiu to reduce blood sugar surge of diabetes mellitus patients.
Diabetes can be cured naturally with soursop leaf tea ... !!
Diabetes or diabetes or also known as sugar disease (dry sugar and wet sugar) the question "What substances / compounds that exist on soursop leaves so as to cure diabetes naturally ?? is that?
Soursop leaves also contain substances of methoeic streptozocin which is useful to trigger cells beta langerhans cells in the pancreas to produce insulin and other benefits that is to increase insulin sensitivity to blood sugar levels in diabet patient body.
That's some reviews about the benefits of soursop leaf for herbal treatment, while that's the first we can write in this article, we will always try to keep updating information about the efficacy of this soursop leaves. Thank you for reading the information we wrote, hopefully with this article we can help solve your problem.
Greetings Healthy And Prosperous Always
Longevity spinach, or leaves of life (daun sambung nyawa "indonesia langunge) or also known by the name of god leaves (daun dewa), has a latin name (Gynura procumbens) is a typical herbal plant of Indonesia, a country in southeast Asia that has fertility and biodiversity. Physical characteristics Longevity spinach plants have small leaves which leaves uneven edges are green like leaves of plants beluntas but with a smaller plant size, bitter life bitter flavor, is cooling.
The leaves of these herbs have many benefits for the treatment of nature, the most impressive benefits of herbs longevity spinach is as an anticancer drug, anti-inflammatory, to treat skin diseases such as eczema, itching, ulcers, lowering high blood, following the full benefits of plant Longevity spinach :
- for cancer of the womb, breast cancer, blood cancer.
- for the treatment of kidney pain.
- for high cholesterol.
- for tumors such as cysts because the lifeblood is anticarcinogeic.
- for sinusitis.
- lower cholesterol
- natural diabetes medication
- natural liver medicine
- to treat hemorrhoid
- for whiteness and fertility in women
- acne medicine and skin diseases such as herpes.
- as an antibacterial drug.
- for the treatment of spleen pain.
- as a hypertension or hypertension medicine.
- used for tonsils of thyroid, asthma, polyps, sore throat, cough.
- for ulcers, and other gastric disturbances.
- useful for dysentery medicine.
- efficacious for drugs to reduce fever.
Why is the leaves of life highly efficacious in treating various diseases ???
What are the content of the leaves of life (Longevity spinach)???
the efficacy of leaves of life (longevity spinach) can not be separated from the composition of the content contained therein, in the leaves of life contain essential oils, saponins, tannins, caffeine, phenolic acid, sterol glycosides, polyphenols, triterpernoids, vanilic acids, caffeic acid, -hidroxy benzoate, and many other substances and compounds that exist in herbs longevity spinach.
Based on scientific evidence, the content of leaves of life as previously written, most potentially as carcinogenic alias anti-cancer. The flavanoid charge on the leaf connections was detected capable of inhibiting the survival of cancer cells. By falvonoid, cancer cells are overcome by suppressing the supply of nutrients and oxygen so that starvation cells die and die.
In addition to flavonoids, terpenoid compounds also exhibit excellence that is not less great. The difference, Terenodi works as anti-metastasis or anti-invasion. These compounds block the path of the nearest spread of cancer cells. So the movement of cancer cells is limited and allows other compounds to pound out cancer cells at one point.
The next discussion is, how to effectively consume Leaves Of Life to cure various diseases such as lowering cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prevention of cancer and others ???
follow the command below:
- picking 10 pieces just leaves life
- wash thoroughly
- godok with water 6 glass (size one glass 200cc)
- use a marble / melanin skillet or use a pan made of clay
- let it boil and the water wastes to 3 cups (half of your initial size brush)
- do 2 times a day every morning and evening / evening
As for other ways to consume Leaves Of Life as a cure for cancer patients, the simplest way is eaten as a lalap (lalapan), how many leaves? for cancer patients you can consume 3 pieces of leaves of live, routine 2x a day, for 7 days in a row. And, it can be continued in accordance with the degree of severity of cancer suffered.
Besides being engulfed, the leaves of life can also be processed into juice. Way, boiled 20 grams of leaves of fresh connection with 3 glasses of water. Wait until the water shrinks by half. Strain, then drink warm. For maximum results, this therapy lasts 2x a day, for 14 days. Continue to check to find out the condition of the latest cancer cells post-life therapy leaf therapy. The way above is also included to treat high blood pressure, treat sore throat, to treat chronic gastritis, for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, and other ways remain the same.
so this article, thank you for visiting this blog.

leaves of life "herbal medicine plant all kinds of disease"
Posted by Damar Lantera on Saturday, May 19, 2018
Wrinkles on the face are not dangerous at all, and it is a natural thing, especially for those over 40 years old, but for some women who demand perfection in appearance, they always want to look beautiful in appearance. The effect of the line / scratch on the skin is not there at all, just possible to make your confidence level decreases.
Then can the fine lines / scratches or wrinkles in the face disguised or if it can be removed ??
The answer "CAN"
How to remove wrinkles on the face with natural ingredients without any side effects?
What natural ingredients are needed and can be used to treat the face especially to disguise wrinkles?
Do not worry, all problems always have a solution, follow this article until the end to end, we will describe "how to remove wrinkles on the skin naturally without side effects against skin".
- First is utilizing aloe vera content
- The second is to use a natural egg white mask
- Third is to use a mask of rice water wash rice
- Fourth, using a forest honey mask
- Fifth, facial treatment with olive oil
- Sixth, a traditional mask with green tea ingredients
Remove Wrinkles With Aloe Vera Mask
As you know very much the benefits of aloe vera for facial beauty treatments, as evidenced by the many beauty products that use this ingredient as its main composition, yups ,, one of the benefits of aloe vera is to eliminate wrinkles, it is true, and has been proven. Aloe vera contains any ingredients ?? already discussed, and there in our article yesterday, you can click here.
Here is a tutorial on how to remove fine lines on the face with aloe vera mask:
- provide 1 - 2 aloe vera as the main ingredient
- split aloe vera
- Apply gel to aloe vera meat on your face
- let stand for 15 - 30 minutes
- do regularly, periodically
- note: for best results, do it at night after all activities are done and you will rest
Feel your own skin back tighten and always awake elasticity, the skin becomes bright white shine, black spots also resolved, and certainly the wrinkles on the face will gradually fade until it is completely invisible, cool and cool the relaxing effect of aloe vera on the face can You feel yourself.
Excess white egg mask in removing fine lines / fine strokes / wrinkles on facial skin:
Egg whites contain many mineral substances needed by the skin, there is also the protein, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients that nourish the skin, its benefits to maintain its firmness, so if you regularly use a face mask of egg whites, I guarantee your face will tight and avoid wrinkles on the face, but there are unpleasant effects that are heard from egg whites, egg whites are very fast in overcoming wrinkles on the face, but only temporarily. So when you stop for long periods of time, wrinkles will appear again.
But you can choose some of the natural ingredients that we give you in this article as another solution.
Here's how to make a face mask from egg whites !!
- first give eggs and two containers
- separate white and egg yolk
- clean the egg yolk with a brush or can also with the hand if not, make a face mask, massage and clean evenly to every part of the face.
- do it regularly every day
Benefits of the most powerful egg white mask is restoring skin firmness, removing black spots on the face due to acne scars, whiten the face naturally, helping the skin cell regeneration process.
Facial mask from the rice water wash deposition to remove wrinkles on facial skin
Wrinkles on the face are easily visible on the forehead, forehead and eyelids. I think the natural ingredients of rice water are the most effective, quick in overcoming wrinkles. Traditional ingredients to naturally take care of the face has been around since time immemorial and is still a secret for those who do not yet know it.
rice rice sediment contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and other mineral minerals. the benefits of a rice soaked rice sediment mask that looks soft like tapioca wet, but in fact very high efficacious for skin health and beauty. The benefits of this natural mask include:
- shrink the skin pores
- Overcome the black stain on the face
- remove wrinkles on the face, slowly disguise them until they disappear unseen
- as a natural antioxidant
- tighten facial skin
- soften and brighten the face
- keeps you looking young
actually very much benefit from this rice cucia deposition. How to make and wear it as a natural face mask ???
When you rinse the rice, hold the rinse water, especially for the first washing water until the third. accommodate on the container and leave for 1-2 hours until the rice wash water settles. After 1 or 2 hours, pee and look at the bottom there will be a sediment like wet tapioca, shaped like a sticky but sticky night cream, that's what you'll use as a powerful natural ingredient to remove wrinkles on the face.
- - wipe the rice sediment evenly, while massaging your face
- - leave for 15 - 30 minutes
- - To wait 15 - 30 minutes You can lie down, or relax, which is important do not move your face, so that the content of the substance in the sediment is perfect on the skin.
- - after it finishes at the time you specify, wash your face clean, and do not rub it, just wash and rinse thoroughly.
- - try to reflect, look and feel the difference, it will be faster and effective if you do it every day, which is better to do at night after all activities are finished
Things That Cause Fast Wrinkles On The Face Appear
The main thing must be age, I have explained the wrinkles on the face appear along with the age of someone, so this is unavoidable and will happen to everyone.
Then why there are women who do not have wrinkles, and always look beautiful, graceful and youthful ??
That's because they do the right facial care, healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, regular exercise and fulfilled the body's need for water.
REMEMBER "everything is interconnected ,,,,,
example "because of the lack of water consumption, the skin becomes hydrated and will quickly sag, the second example due to lack of exercise, make you fat, reduced skin firmness and appear wrinkles on the face.
Wrong in using cosmetics "is already much discussed, many of the women rely on cosmetics for expensive skin care treatments, but do not know what is inside, where most of them become boomerang for yourself.
The wrong pattern of life "is also a frequent problem, bad habits that are always repeated and become repetitive, what to avoid ?? the first is staying up, smoking, alcohol, it becomes the main cause of the problem on the skin.