20 Benefits of Leaf Flower Leaves

The value of flowers and hibiscus plants (wera flower, other names in Indonesia) the higher it is none other than because the benefits are intended for treatment and has been used by generations in various parts of the world.
From the results of reading in various sources, it turns out hibiscus has a variety of benefits to cure various types of diseases, including:
- treat bronchitis
- treat an abscess
- reduce the fever (hibiscus leaves are antipyretic so it is very efficacious in lowering the heat)
- overcome constipation
- cure tbc
- natural detox
- hibiscus leaves to treat the cough naturally (dry or phlegm)
- lowering high blood pressure
- lower bad cholesterol, so it is very good for hypertension patients
- as a natural canker syringe
- digestion
- is analgesic that means capable of relieving headaches (dizziness)
- launched the urinary tract, because the hibiscus leaves have diuretic properties
- accelerate wound drying, and prevent infection
Benefits of hibiscus leaves for skin and hair beauty:
- strengthen and prevent hair loss
- keep black hair color, slow gray hair
- get rid of acne
- hibiscus leaves to accelerate weight loss
- helps lift dead skin cells, and regenerates damaged skin cells
- clean the face
Why hibiscus and its leaves are very useful for the cure of disease, skin care and hair health? It can not be separated from the content of the content in it, the content of the leaves and hibiscus include :
- Flavonoids
- Cleomiscosin B
- tannins
- Cleomiscosin A
- Calcium oxalate
- Peroxidase
- fat
- Taraxeryl acetat
- protein
- saponins
In addition, the shoe flower leaf has a variety of sifatan which include :
- Analgesic, has the ability to cope with headaches
- Anti-pyriteutic, able to reduce fever, especially in children
- Are direutik, efficacious to launch the urinary tract
Hibiscus leaves to treat cough and canker sores
How to treat hibiscus leaves to heal cough and sprue, first take hibiscus leaves to taste 5 - 10 sheets, wash thoroughly, then boil in boiling water for 15 minutes, strain the water then pour on the glass and drink. Healing cough naturally you can get, for the healing process runs fast, do it regularly.
Removing Toxins (natural detox)
By making herbal tea herbs from hibiscus petals, yups on hibiscus have high antioxidants that can help remove toxins from the body naturally. besides tea from hibiscus petals efficacious to reduce cholesterol levels in blood, hibiscus tea product has been sold freely in the market, and spread in various parts of the world.
Fever? cold? rheum?? heal with hibiscus tea ... !!
relieve colds and colds, if family members have cold or fever you can try to make this herbal tea, because the content of Vitamin C in the hibiscus useful to help fight the virus that causes colds.
Hibiscus to maintain healthy skin
Hibiscus and hibiscus blossoms to keep skin healthy, face cleansing, acne treatments, lifting dead skin cells and black spots of acne scars, have a potent oil ingredient for skin care, and have anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat acne and prevent marks premature aging of the facial skin. The easiest way is, take the shoe petals then knead and rub around the face and neck gently.
Benefits of water boiled hibiscus leaves for the digestion of your body, this efficacy can be obtained by drinking boiled water leaves regularly every day.
Healing boils "properties of hibiscus leaves for the skin that we can use to heal ulcers naturally.The leaves of hibiscus will make active boils, quickly old and ripe, so that ulcers can heal quickly.
For mumps treatment, you know that goitre is caused by lack of iodine. If you have this disease, you can treat it with hibiscus leaves
Lose weight, It is common knowledge almost everyone would want to have a slim and healthy body. Surely the usual problem is a pile of fat and calories the body, yups .. to overcome it you can try to consume tea flower shoes regularly.
There are many more benefits and usefulness of this leaf for health. As for the way of processing shoe leaf as a medicine is as follows.
Outdoor use :
- You can prepare hibiscus leaves to taste,
- clean and mash until smooth.
- After that, Dab on the skin area you want to treat.
- As for how to use this is very suitable for alternative treatment of mumps, wounds, for beauty treatments such as acne treatments, falsifying faces, cleaning black stains acne scars, and others.
For hair :
- provide 10 sheets of hibiscus leaves
- puree leaf shoes
- You can also mix with a little coconut oil.
- Let stand for a moment
- apply and massage evenly on the entire surface of the hair.
Use for consumption :
- You can prepare the hibiscus leaves to taste
- boiled with water. until boiling.
- Consumption of this natural herb is routinely 2x a day, each 1 cup for 1 time consumption.
Research shows that hibiscus plants have many benefits and their content, leaves, roots, flowers from hibiscus rosa sinesis contain tannins, saponins, skopoletin, cleomiscosin A, cleomiscosin C and others.
Ethanolic extract of hibiscus flower is reported to reduce total blood cholesterol and serum triglyceride (20-30%) and increase HDL level up to 12% percent, another benefit is to lower blood sugar levels.
Until here first article about the discussion of efficacy, benefits and content of flowers and hibiscus leaves for traditional medicine, and beauty treatments naturally.
Thank you for taking the time to come and read on this blog.
Thanks for reading & sharing Damar Lantera
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