Longevity spinach, or leaves of life (daun sambung nyawa "indonesia langunge) or also known by the name of god leaves (daun dewa), has a latin name (Gynura procumbens) is a typical herbal plant of Indonesia, a country in southeast Asia that has fertility and biodiversity. Physical characteristics Longevity spinach plants have small leaves which leaves uneven edges are green like leaves of plants beluntas but with a smaller plant size, bitter life bitter flavor, is cooling.
The leaves of these herbs have many benefits for the treatment of nature, the most impressive benefits of herbs longevity spinach is as an anticancer drug, anti-inflammatory, to treat skin diseases such as eczema, itching, ulcers, lowering high blood, following the full benefits of plant Longevity spinach :
- for cancer of the womb, breast cancer, blood cancer.
- for the treatment of kidney pain.
- for high cholesterol.
- for tumors such as cysts because the lifeblood is anticarcinogeic.
- for sinusitis.
- lower cholesterol
- natural diabetes medication
- natural liver medicine
- to treat hemorrhoid
- for whiteness and fertility in women
- acne medicine and skin diseases such as herpes.
- as an antibacterial drug.
- for the treatment of spleen pain.
- as a hypertension or hypertension medicine.
- used for tonsils of thyroid, asthma, polyps, sore throat, cough.
- for ulcers, and other gastric disturbances.
- useful for dysentery medicine.
- efficacious for drugs to reduce fever.
Why is the leaves of life highly efficacious in treating various diseases ???
What are the content of the leaves of life (Longevity spinach)???
the efficacy of leaves of life (longevity spinach) can not be separated from the composition of the content contained therein, in the leaves of life contain essential oils, saponins, tannins, caffeine, phenolic acid, sterol glycosides, polyphenols, triterpernoids, vanilic acids, caffeic acid, -hidroxy benzoate, and many other substances and compounds that exist in herbs longevity spinach.
Based on scientific evidence, the content of leaves of life as previously written, most potentially as carcinogenic alias anti-cancer. The flavanoid charge on the leaf connections was detected capable of inhibiting the survival of cancer cells. By falvonoid, cancer cells are overcome by suppressing the supply of nutrients and oxygen so that starvation cells die and die.
In addition to flavonoids, terpenoid compounds also exhibit excellence that is not less great. The difference, Terenodi works as anti-metastasis or anti-invasion. These compounds block the path of the nearest spread of cancer cells. So the movement of cancer cells is limited and allows other compounds to pound out cancer cells at one point.
The next discussion is, how to effectively consume Leaves Of Life to cure various diseases such as lowering cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prevention of cancer and others ???
follow the command below:
- picking 10 pieces just leaves life
- wash thoroughly
- godok with water 6 glass (size one glass 200cc)
- use a marble / melanin skillet or use a pan made of clay
- let it boil and the water wastes to 3 cups (half of your initial size brush)
- do 2 times a day every morning and evening / evening
As for other ways to consume Leaves Of Life as a cure for cancer patients, the simplest way is eaten as a lalap (lalapan), how many leaves? for cancer patients you can consume 3 pieces of leaves of live, routine 2x a day, for 7 days in a row. And, it can be continued in accordance with the degree of severity of cancer suffered.
Besides being engulfed, the leaves of life can also be processed into juice. Way, boiled 20 grams of leaves of fresh connection with 3 glasses of water. Wait until the water shrinks by half. Strain, then drink warm. For maximum results, this therapy lasts 2x a day, for 14 days. Continue to check to find out the condition of the latest cancer cells post-life therapy leaf therapy. The way above is also included to treat high blood pressure, treat sore throat, to treat chronic gastritis, for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, and other ways remain the same.
so this article, thank you for visiting this blog.
Thanks for reading & sharing Damar Lantera
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