On this occasion we will discuss about spirulina, Yups lately spirulina is booming, as evidenced by the number of beauty products, health products that use spirulina as the main ingredient in its products. Yups ,, the question is,....
do you know what is spirulina ??...
what are the benefits to health?...
is there any benefit to beauty ??....
what is the function of spirulina on Organifi Green Juice Powder ??
what is the function of spirulina on Organifi Green Juice Powder ??
Many do not know spirulina, because on this occasion we will discuss various things about spirulina in brief, solid and clear. Spirulina is an algae plant that lives in water, Spirulina has many benefits for humans, especially the benefits for skin health and beauty. spirulina plant many processed into cosmetics products, either in the form of powder, tablet or cream.
What are the reasons spirulina can be used as cosmetics ingredients or health products ?? Yups ... the answer is on the content of the spirulina itself. Spirulina contains complete vitamins and nutrients.
Spirulina Content:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Mineral
- Beta Caroten
- Amino Acid Methionine
- Manganese
- Gamma Linnoleic Acid, which acts as a constituent of new skin and ototo cell membranes.
Benefits of Spirulina For Beauty:
as facial toner
to deal with acne
to overcome the eyes of pandas or dark circles on the eyes
as a dietary supplement
Benefits of Spirulina For Health:
as a high antioxidant, provides protection against cell and tissue damage, boosts immunity, fight infections and protects the body from viruses and bacteria. Spirulina is also beneficial for detoxifying the body, helping to naturally dispose of toxins in the body.other benefits of spirulina is to prevent hair loss, promote hair growth, nourish the scalp and skin of the body. Spirulina is also used to help the process of improving the digestion of food, help the process of dieting, helping the process of weight loss. lowers cholesterol.
There are many other benefits of spirulina that we have not had time to speak in this article, for more details about the benefits of spirulina and an explanation of the products that utilize spirulina "Organifi Green Juice Powder"
You can click on the following link ...
Thanks for reading & sharing Damar Lantera
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