Glowing, Healthier, Younger Looking Skin, Hair and Nails
Consumption of organifi green juice regularly or regularly will besides make our body healthy also will make skin glow and always look youthful, help hair and nail care, and certainly make skin beauty is always awake. How did it happen ?? want to know the answer !!. Yups ... the answer is on the content, the composition of the main ingredient of organifi green juice which is all natural herbal that has been proven efficacy and its benefits to treat and maintain skin health and beauty.
What are the main ingredients of organifi green juice ??
- Spirulina
- Moringa
- Lemon
- Mint
- Beets
- Matcha Green Tea
- Ashwagandha
- Coconut Water
- Turmeric
- Wheatgrass
- Chlorella
That's eleven natural herbal ingredients Organifi Green Juice, which has been tested for its efficacy and its benefits. Organifi Green Juice is a super food packaged in the form of powder, and how to consume it in the brewed way, each bottle contains a sachet for 30 days.

benefits of coconut water :
- as anti aging
- moisturize and rejuvenate the skin
- as a source of vitamins for the skin
- as a source of nutrients for the skin
- as neutralizing toxins in the body
- helps remove wrinkles and black spots on the face
benefits of wheatgrass :
Eating wheatgrass also prevents the desire to snack to appear because this plant has met the nutrients in the body. Not just suitable for weight loss, chlorophyll contained in wheatgrass can also help remove toxins in the body, and remove harmful chemicals from the bloodstream. Effective calorie burning also makes the body more energetic.
Wheatgrass can be a natural and safe supplement that helps fat loss and weight loss. Wheatgrass works by suppressing the appetite and stimulating the body's metabolism to work more actively to burn calories and fat. Wheatgrass is known as one of the super foods also comes with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when dieting with wheatgrass you do not need to fear of nutritional deficiencies. Wheatgrass will help meet the nutritional needs of the body while fattening fat.
In addition, wheatgrass is also low in calories and contains no sugar, fat, or cholesterol. Drinking wheatgrass juice will help you prevent obesity and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Lemon benefits for beauty treatments :
The content of vitamin C in the lemon can increase the production of collagen in the skin. lemon also has citric acid content, the following benefits of lemon to maintain and care for the health of skin
- beauty
- tighten skin
- brighten the skin of the face and body
- overcome dry skin
- lifting dead skin cells
- overcome acne
Benefits of beets :
the content of these beets that make your hair, nails and skin awake. what are the content of beets ??
- 34% Folic Acid, Function: Grow and replace damaged cells.
- Potassium 14.8%, Function: Streamlining the fluid balance in the body.
- 13.6% Fiber,
- Vitamin C 10.2%, Function: Grow the tissue and normalize blood vessels.
- 9.8% Magnesium, Function: Maintains muscle and nerve function.
- Tryptophan 1.4%,
- 7.4% Iron, Function: Energy metabolism and immune system.
- Copper 6.5%, Function: Forming red blood cells.
- Phosphorus 6.5%, Function: Strengthens bones.
- Caumarin which serves to prevent tumor.
- Betasianin as a cancer preventer.
benefits beets to care for and maintain health and beauty:
- nourish hair
- regenerate damaged cells
- prevent cancer
- brighten the skin
- overcome acne
- eliminate dandruff
- maintain eye health
Benefits of turmeric :
Turmeric is also quite high in vitamin C. Therefore this plant is often used to treat various diseases with traditional ways such as measles, allergies, ulcers, cancer, and vomiting. turmeric restores damage to sunburned skin, and brightens skin tone. Therefore turmeric is also suitable for beauty care. Turmeric contains an appropriate antiseptic material to prevent inflammation of acne and wounds.
- Overcoming oily skin
- Disguises wrinkles and prevents premature aging
- Overcoming pigmentation
- Overcoming dandruff and hair loss
- Lifting dead skin cells
For more details about Organifi Green Juice we recommend you read it on the official website. there is a complete explanation of the ingredients, nutritional content and various benefits of organifi green juice for health and for beauty.
Thanks for reading & sharing Damar Lantera
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