The Secrets of Benefits Coconut Water

Coconut water has benefits for the health of the body include:
- Control diabetes
Coconut water also helps to control diabetes. Coconut water, when consumed regularly has the ability to improve blood circulation in the body. This process will greatly help to dilate blood vessels that can shrink due to the formation of plaque and help blood flow smoothly so that it will reduce diabetes. It also helps to fight atherosclerosis.
Thanks to the content of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium contained in coconut water, this drink is good for controlling high blood pressure. High potassium content is very helpful to lower blood pressure by balancing the negative effects of sodium. This is based on the results of a study published in the West Indian Medical Journal in 2005, and they conclude that coconut water can help control hypertension.
Regulate blood sugar
Coconut water contains amino acids and dietary fiber that helps regulate blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. So coconut water is very helpful for people with diabetes, because it helps improve circulation. Coconut water is also good for reducing symptoms such as numbness in the legs and a tendency toward atherosclerosis.
A study published in the journal Food and Function, which studies the effects of coconut water, and found that coconut water helps lower blood glucose levels and oxidative stress.
- Natural detox
Our body has the ability to clean toxins or detoxify naturally, if given proper hydration and nutrition.
The kidneys and liver are toxins in the body, and they will not work perfectly without sufficient fluid intake, leading to a buildup of toxins in the body.
Coconut water contains electrolyte properties similar to human blood, making it the ideal drink to replace body fluids and greatly help cleanse toxins in the body.
- Boost the immune system
This water we can say as super water, it is very rich in nutrients and vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin & piridoksin, and folate. Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can help boost the immune system and fight viral infections like the flu.
- Good for digestion
Coconut water consists of bioactive enzymes such as folic acid, phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerase and so on. This enzyme helps to facilitate digestion and metabolism. Water also has more minerals such as calcium, manganese and zinc like fruits including oranges. Coconut water is also a source of B vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and folate.
- Slows down aging
Coconut water contains cytokines that have anti-aging effects on cells and tissues. This will reduce the risk of degenerative development at a certain age. Green coconut water in addition to refreshing it also contains nutrients and also hydrates your skin to keep it soft and smooth.
Coconut water also has benefits for beauty. It contains cytokines, one of growth hormones, that function to regulate growth, development, and cell aging. Cytokines have antiaging effects. It can also balance the body's pH levels and can reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
- Natural diuretics
Coconut water also acts as a natural deuretic, by expelling urine and ridding the body of toxins. It also helps prevent problems like urinary tract infections. High potassium content in coconut water helps calcify the urine and dissolve several types of kidney stones out of the body.
In addition to diuretic, coconut water has antibacterial properties that help fight bladder infections. But for those of you who have poor kidney function is not recommended to drink coconut water.
- Balances the body's pH
the benefits of young coconut waterStres, heaps of poison and a diet high in acid foods such as fast foods often cause increased acidity levels of pH this reduces the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals.
In addition, the acidity of pH contributes to rheumatic problems, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and immune deficiency. Coconut water has an alkalizing effect that helps balance the pH in the body.
Coconut water has a pretty good antioxidant content to help eliminate free radicals. The effects of toxic use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs can also be overcome with the consumption of this fruit. At the time of taking the drug, coconut water is also good because it will help ease the absorption.
Research has shown that people with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. The benefits of drinking coconut water regularly is very effective in regulating blood pressure because it has the content of potassium and lauric acid. Coconut water is also believed to increase HDL (good cholesterol) is very good to prevent heart disease.
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